Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My cousin already posted about this but....

Im from Jersey too and the E Street produced another album which came out today....its incredible. It really is a throwback to the "Born To Run" album when Bruce wasnt afraid to just add tons and tons of layers to each song in hopes of bringing out the best of every part and I think it really worked. Of course Rolling Stone gave it a perfect 5 star review, but I really think this is one of the best albums i've heard from Bruce in a long time. I was expecting b-sides from Magic and got an album I feel is much more accomplished as a songwriter and a rock record than Magic was. Outlaw Pete opens the album and clocks in around 7 minutes and its an arena rocker and a narrative along the lines of "The Ballad of Billy the Kid" that Mr. William Joel wrote years and years ago. Both songs capture you in a western tale and dont let up musically or lyrically. Good shit.

So working really does make it hard to find time to type other shit after you are home because I feel like I have been doing nothing but typing for the past 6 days...and Im ok with it...im not packing out groceries as much so I'll take it.

I ate Strawberry Cheese Danish Pop Tarts today expecing greatness and they just taste like regualar strawberry pop tarts...total let down.

TV Update: New Scrubs and Nip/Tuck tonight...score.

P.S. E Street tour dates came out today and hes playing the IZOD Center soon so score...too bad that arena sucks my balls.

Im gonna learn more guitar songs via internet+guitar playing now.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1.21.09 Yes I Can....Do Nothing

2 days off during the week in a row has been really interesting...and fucking boring. Does that mean I am ambitious? Or that I have no job and friends.....

Self-loathing aside, this was a really cool release week for music.
-Animal Collective-Merriweather Post Pavilion came out. This band is pretty incredible and they sound like they are finally ready to put their musical genius towards a full album that a large audience can really enjoy and appreciate. Rolling Stone really did a good job at describing much of this album as recalling Brian Wilson on shrooms...anyone who has heard the staple Pet Sounds knows what that means. I predict a huge year for them with this album.

-Andrew Bird-Noble Beast is also a great fucking album. This dude gets it and is really gonna stand out from all the bullshit "indie-folk-lo-fi-shut the hell up" bands and singers that will put out shit this year and that put out shit last year. He knows how his music should sound and paints a great picture of what it looks like through his album art, which I am a sucker for since I actually still buy CDs and vinyl for the whole package.

-Antony and the Johnsons-The Crying Light is one of the most haunting pieces of music I have heard in a long time. The dude has the softest voice ever and its layered with strings and piano accompanyments that are just as dark and soft and really set a mood that reminds me of scary black and white movies(the cover art also reminds me of that). Its well worth the listen if you can find yourself in the right mood for it(I found that snowy and alone worked great).

-Titus Andronicus-Airing of Greviences finally came out and this band is from Jersey so I have been hearing great things of this band for some time now. This band can really kick your ass while providing song arrangements that recall Elvis Costello or Bruce Springsteen (circa 1970s for both). Thats not to say they don't sound like The Stooges or The Pogues though as this is a punk rock band for sure.

-Fiction Family-S/T. This last one sort of falls in the guilty pleasures as it is the brainchild of the singer of Switchfoot Jon Foreman and one of the vocalists in Nickel Creek Sean Watkins (SeanJon 2? Lets not get carried away). Anyway, these guys really made a cool folky pop-rock album that I really only picked up because I am a huge sucker for Nickel Creek and am still bummed i discovered them a few months before they broke up. Not much else to say about this album, but if you dig singer/songwriters and some cool mellow pop music, this is for you.

AC Newman of the New Pornographers also put out a new album, but I havent heard it so it doesnt get a blurb any bigger than.......this.

Confession: I wrote these mini reviews to keep up my typing chops for my new job, but I actually enjoyed it so I will most likely do it more often as long as the mood strikes to do it because I fucking love music and have no one to talk about it with..thank you neverending internet!



PPS I realize I killed any credibility to talk about an Animal Collective album by admitting I watch lost still.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It may never stop snowing but..

I started my new job today. It contained a lot of learning shit about different towns and doing research to get grants handed to towns so they can get shit done like get roads paved etc. As lame as that sounds, I think I liked it..thank you Shop Rite for making any new job seem amazingly awesome.

Also, I think there might be something wrong because I think I am starting to like country music and I also like the new U2 song and I NEVER like a lead-off single from a new U2 album.

Heres the link to the new U2 http://goyb.u2.com/ I feel like they are taking a lot of cues from Muse on making a little bit of sound seem huge by making the bass louder and "crunchier".

Ok Scrubs is on so I am gonna watch that.

Friday, January 16, 2009

This band continues to boggle my mind, but theyre the shit so whatever...

(goes to funco land or wherever and preorders this shit)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

http://www.myspace.com/adelelondon Now im not really an Adele fan because I think "Chasing Pavements" is kinda trash. Its one verse and 17 choruses on repeat for 5 minutes...no thank you. Just cuz you wrote a good chorus doesnt mean you're supposed to just repeat it over and over...and if youre gonna do that, be smart like the Beatles and just do it for like 90 seconds in which case you have gold.

Anywayyyy, on that Adele myspace, she re-recorded the vocal track of a great Raconteurs song called "Many Shades of Black" and they put it over the regualar master track of instrumentation and such and it came out really good. Its gonna be the b-side on the many shades of black single....so go on there and listen to it. I may have to listen to her entire record now. Jack White fanboys unite!

I got to eat some food with mel bar and the sea today which was pretty badass. She saved me from eating ramen or leftover soup...so basically soup I dont understand the excitement she got from being in Pt. Pleasant and eating a taco salad from Surf Taco, but I guess thats cuz im stuck here....maybe I should venture to Elizabeth for food?? Cousin your friends were pretty badass....first group of girls ive ever met who have talked about elton john, star wars and toe thumbs during a sitting without it all starting from my mouth cuz i needed to bring up something i could talk about hah. Plus, chicken quesadilla wut wutttt.

Tuesday Music

Adele/Raconteurs cover/whatever song
Metallica in prep for the show in 3 weeks
anything thats country but not shitty, it makes winter seem more comfortable

Friday, January 9, 2009


This week sucked so so so so so hard.

Apparently my body has polyps in it and after next friday I basically have no job. Cant shit likethis get spread out over a period of 5 months as opposed to 5 days. And NOT when its the begining of January when things are all starting new? Talk about a shitty start.

Anyway, TV has been good to me this week. New 30 Rock, Earl, Kath and Kim, Top Chef, and Scrubs all happened for me this week after the holiday breaks so my nights after my shit days were good and took my mind off things.

Shitty Week Music
The Avett Brothers-Emotionalism on repeat over and over. What an awesome band/album.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First off, Come on Bruce, you can do better than that...I'm sure the music will be better than the cover.

My day started without at least 20 minutes of ESPN and went downhill from there. It might be due to laziness, but I cant just wake up and get out of bed ready for the day. I NEED TV to wake up to for a little while, it puts me at ease that the rest of my day is going to be spent in misery :)

I get to shun myself from a social life tonight thanks to season premiers of Nip/Tuck and Scrubs and I couldnt b happier, my legs hurt like hell from work.

Aichey Day Music

More Kaiser Chiefs and Blitzen Trapper

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fire & Fast Bullets

The new Blitzen Trapper and Kaiser Chiefs albums are amazing.

Mark Ronson should produce every album that gets made from now on.

Moving on....

Post offices should get their shit together. Everytime i go in there, there are 13 people in line and one dude at the front. Just get one more dude up there so I can do more than one chore in the span of 30 minutes.

Today an old lady asked me what brown rice looked like.....

I am buying the shit out of Pineapple Express on DVD tomorrow..i'll get it on blu-ray if im feeling sassy.

This is all the music you'll need for today:

Money, Cash, Karma Police


Sunday, January 4, 2009

You Came In With The Breeze...

Things to look forward to this year:

No Doubt is touring
Green Day is releasing an album
Kid Sisters album is coming out
First Metallica concert in five years
Creed Reunion Tour(I'm not saying whether or not im actually looking forward to this)
2009 Fantasy Football Season
My band releasing something new for the first time in six years
Seeing what happens to emo and yellows, pinks, and purples in dudes clothing(Fuck you, Cobra Starship)

That list makes me sound like I have the worst taste in music(aside from Kid Sister, I cant pick on a Fools Gold artist), which actually may be true, but im pretty sure I dont care.

I am four days into the new year and really dont have anything to show for it unless you count the four days worth of sports game stats learning in which case I have been cramming for the man test of being able to talk sports socially with other dudes...I take it back...start over.

Ive learned alot in the four days of 2009. (Bro talk ensues for 3-4 sentences) I really didnt get around to listening to much music today aside from the blurred clips of Song 2 and Crazy Train that roar through football stadiums during the games. (No one ate that Natural Pizza from Pizza Hut and thought it was delicious). I didnt take a shower today until 5:00PM, but I did brush my teeth this morning so I guess thats okay. A lot of people were complaining to me today about how they have to go back to work tomorrow after only working Monday and Tuesday the past 2 weeks due to the holidays...I have no sympothy. My last vacation from work was when my appendix exploded.

Lazy Day Music
No Doubt-The Climb
Weezer-Pink Triangle
Blitzen Trapper-Sleepytime in the Western World

Cherry Craisins are the snackfood of the future.


So the playoffs started today. Both teams I picked to win lost so im an idiot apparenty. I sat on my buddies couch and drank miller lite and ate pizza from 5pm-5 minutes ago..I put my demanding social life on hold.....we played video games at the halftimes.....demanding social life.

Wal-Mart is a spirit crusher. I went in there for about 15 minutes today in a good mood and I left feeling like I got mugged and called a piece of shit while i was in there.

Lazy Day Music
Elton John-Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters(I watched Almost Famous when I woke up today)
Paul Simon-You Can Call Me Al
Murder By Death-Boy Decide
The Raconteurs-Many Shades of Black

My dog is under my blanket farting and snoring right now and I am tired so that sucks for me.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ultrasounds and Cheap CDs

Today was definitely a funky day.

I got a belly ultrasound for some tummy problems that have been going on. The goop is warm. I might have paid for a warm belly rub...dogs seem to love it...am I right? Anyway, I tried the "So is it a boy or a girl?" line on her when it was done and she didnt find it funny...maybe alot of dudes get belly ultrasounds and she hears that one alot. Its probably like when im working in a crowded aisle and some old lady goes "There should be a traffic cop in here to direct everyone"......I hate that.

Me and my sister are the only 2 people left who are smart/dumb enough to pay for cds..even when theyre dirt cheap. We bought about 12 cds today that were 8 bucks marked down to 2 and couldnt have been happier....pretty nifty shit too, Lenny Kravitz-Let Love Rule, Blur-Self-Titled(no harm in having a second copy), Lit-Atomic(who doesnt love some late 90s pop/rock...I know, no one, but i do, like i said..today was funky). Sister got a couple nifty soundtracks like Soul Food and Clueless and then we bought a couple classic albums DVDs for 3.99...Paul Simon-Graceland and Motorhead-Ace Of Spades...tons of shit for like $40....total score for us, but you would probably have to pay most people to listen to a Lit cd.

I bought an Alternative Press magazine and there was a review of the new Kid Sister CD...she is signed to my cousins label Fools Gold...4 star review...I cant wait to hear it.

Funky Day Music
Rilo Kiley-I Never
Kaiser Chiefs-Spanish Metal
Silverchair-Across The Night
Lit-Over My Head

The mall makes me feel old...damn kids.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

So This Is The New Year

First blog, first day of the year.....apparently i'm starting my year off without friends :)

My cousins said blogging was legit so its happening....It is cold out.....and I am cold...I should put socks on. Is blogging just random daily thoughts? If so, i am doing awesome. Maybe some background for kicks just in case someone reads this.

Im Charlie. I have a pretty crap job in retail(enough said). I play drums in a band..we are writing and recording songs in my basement now. The band is Called Fear Of Forever. I just got a guitar so I can learn music. Im excited about that. Contrary to the picture, I am not 4 years old. Im almost 24 etc.

On to the task at hand....today was cold so i listened to "Chilly Day Music"...see what i did there?

Chilly Day Music 1/1/09
M83-"Kim & Jessie"
Bloc Party-"Like Eating Glass"
The Jayhawks-"Blue" because it makes me feel warm
My Morning Jacket-"Evil Urges"

I feel like Doogie Howser(how do you spell his name?) at the end of an episode now that i'm at the end of my blog post.